To ensure safety with our care, we follow ‘Seven National Patient Safety Goals’:
- Identify patients correctly
- Improve staff communication
- Use medicines safely
- Use alarms safely
- Prevent infection
- Identify patient safety risks
- Prevent mistakes in surgery
Matching science and technology along with manpower skill in care is effectiveness. Science helps using ‘this’ drug in ‘this’ disease, using ‘that’ drug for other. Science say this can’t work, don’t use. So, avoiding use of certain things and assuring appropriate use is effectiveness. 45% of people don’t get effective care, thus to ensure effectiveness in care, we have right people at right job. We follow policy of ‘Maker & Checker’ to have efficient system. Patient care team along with Internal Audit team works hand to hand to ensure safe environment for patients.
Improving diagnosis requires teamwork and good communication among the entire health care team. Patients and their loved ones are the central part of this team. They often hold a critical knowledge that helps in detail diagnosis. Clinicians here create an environment that facilitates discussion improving method of diagnosis. ‘Nothing-without-me-attitude’ of employees is not welcomed in our organization and the prime importance is given to the ‘Customer’.
Process delivery in an appropriate manner depends on timelines. We avoid delays reduce waiting time and assure timely delivery.
Efficiency can be reported as a ratio of outputs to inputs or a comparison to optimal productivity using data envelopment analysis. Following NABH, we are able to have data base by which benchmarks for the processes can be defined based on National & International Guidelines. For example - Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery mortality rate [death rate] should be less than 0.6%, Average Length Of Stay (ALOS) in the hospital post Angioplasty should be 2.5 days, Average Length Of Stay (ALOS) in the hospital post Total Hip Replacement surgery should be 5.2 days, Door to CT or MRI time in Stroke in the Emergency Room should be less than 60 minutes. To have efficient system, we avoid waste throughout the organization.
Forecasting should be considered an art, and not science for predicting future events. When it comes to healthcare, the right information can prove vital to providing the proper care, products, and services to people in need. At Sarvodaya, we practice right diagnosis depending on various factors like – laboratory values, radiology report, etc. which determines the diagnosis of patients and leads to life and death.
Effective communication is vital for timely and accurate diagnosis. Moreover, besides clinical skills of Doctors it is very important to protect ourselves from medicolegal problems. So we follow 5 important things in the right manner; communication, documentation, communication of documentation, documentation of communication, and preservation of documentation.