International Patient Services

Sector-8, Faridabad

International Patient Services

Faridabad, Haryana

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Our new-age healthcare solutions, outcome-driven experience and unmatched personalised care have made us a hospital of choice for people across the world. Since our inception, we have catered to and garnered the trust of countless people globally, from Tanzania, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Congo, Kenya, Burundi, Yemen etc.

Our dedicated International Patient Care Department goes the extra mile in ensuring a home-like feel and care for international patients and their attendants.

Talk To Our International Representative

We are proud to work with dedicated individuals around the world to help you in person and/or your own time zone.

Speak to Our Health Expert

Get reliable medical advice anytime, anywhere.

Sarvodaya World Care

We define ourselves as a health provider with patient-centric care and value for money to all sections of society

One Stop Solution

A comprehensive range of customized services and conveniences that go well beyond excellence in medical treatments and services

Quick Response, Always

No matter what your query or clarification, we respond within 48 hours flat. Depending on the nature of the medical help required, the response could include advice on medical procedures, along with a quote.

Getting a Medical Opinion and Cost Estimate is Easy

All you need to do is attach patient's case history, details of previous treatment and current reports and send us an email to and we will revert with an estimate real quick.

Payment Convenience

We accept all major international credit cards. A Host of Services We take care of every little and big detail to make your trip comfortable. For details, pls see 'Services' section.

Stay Assistance

We can help in booking guest house / hotels / service apartments for your stay requirements.

Help With Medical Visa

Sarvodaya provides VISA assistance letter after receiving the passport details of the patient and attendant(s) to facilitate obtaining Medical Visa without any hassle.

Value-added personalised facilities & services for International Patients & their attendants

Once you have decided to get the best healthcare facility and treatment, leave it to us to get the arrangements done. We will provide you with : -


Treatment packages in advance


Visa Assistance


Airport pick-and-drop facility from New Delhi International Airport on arrival/ departure to Sarvodaya Hospitals


Ambulance pick-up, if required


Language translators for major languages like Arabic, Bangla, Pasto and more.


Hotel reservations, if needed


Express check-in through a dedicated International Patient's Lounge


Dedicated International Executive for all medical & non-medical needs throughout the stay


Appointment Scheduling


Attendant meal services (Global Cuisine available)


Post-discharge teleconsultation, if required, after the patient's return to his home


Follow-up assistance for future appointment scheduling


A comprehensive written medical report before discharge


A dietician to ensure a healthy diet for the patient


Money Changer/ATM facilities at the Hospital premises ( we also accept US Dollars and International Master or Visa Credit Card).

Patient Testimonials

TAVI/TAVR Heart Valve Repair Saves 78-Year-Old from Ivory Co...

Interventional Cardiology Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI/TAVR)

Our Partners

International Partner

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