When one hears ringing or other disturbances in one or both of the ears, it is known as Tinnitus. Between 15% to 20% of people experience it, and older folks are more likely to do so. Tinnitus is typically brought on by an underlying ailment, such as hearing loss brought on by ageing, an ear injury, or a circulatory issue. Sarvodaya has been successful in detecting the underlying cause of Tinnitus which is treated through therapies to lessen or cover up the noise.
Sarvodaya's Centre for ENT brings together the most experienced team & Audiometry Technology for comprehensive management & treatment of ear, nose, and throat-related problems.
With more than 28 years of successful experience in ENT treatment, cochlear implant surgery, and precise auditory-verbal evaluation, we are one of the top centres with the Indian government's ADIP initiative.