HEAD RENAL TRANSPLANT and Senior Consultant Urology, with a dedicated and hard-working attitude, and outstanding performer in all the relevant urology cases. Proven success in leadership, and operational excellence. Recognized for developing team members to excel . Experienced with over 15 years of experience in Urological Problems. Excellent reputation for resolving problems, and improving patient satisfaction. Involved in imparting Urology education in India and various countries. Heading Super Specialty's 3-year education module for young surgeons over the past many years. Excellent track record with over 600 Renal Transplants, Complex uro-oncology, and Reconstructive minimally invasive urology.
Renal Transplant
Laparoscopic Urology
Reconstructive urology
MCh Urology
M.S. General Surgery
Senior Consultant Urology Fortis Hospital, Noida
MCh Senior Resident JIPMER, Pondicherry
Senior Resident Urology Dr R.M.L Hospital, New Delhi
Senior Resident Urology BMHRC, Bhopal
American Association of Urology
Urological Society of India (Lifetime)
Full Time North Zone Member
Haryana Urology Association
Society of Urologists of Noida and Ghaziabad
Uttar Pradesh Association of Urology
Life Time Member of Urolithiasis, Uro-Onco, Renal Transplant Section of USI
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