14+ years experience in neurosurgical practices at multiple hospitals and has exposure to treating a variety of Neurological disorders and Spine diseases. An accomplished Neurosurgeon trained at different premier institute of the country and has multiple publications in national and international journals. Additional expertise in Brain Tumors surgery, Brain hemorrhage surgery, Spine surgery, Migraine surgery surgery, Epilepsy surgery, Parkinson disease surgery, Brain stroke surgery, Paralysis care expert. Well-experienced in the management of critical neurological and head injury patients.
Skull Base Surgery
Neuro Endoscopy
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery
Day Care Spine Surgery
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Fellowship in Neuroendoscopy
MCh (Neurosurgery) from SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan
MS (General Surgery) from King George’s Medical University, Lucknow
MBBS from GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Senior Consultant, Neurosurgery, Medanta Institute of Neurosciences, Lucknow
Consultant, Neurosurgery, Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad.
Associate Consultant, Neurosurgery, Fortis Escorts Hospital, New Delhi.
Senior Resident, SMS Medical College, Jaipur
Senior Resident, Neurosurgery, RMLIMS, Lucknow
Neurological Society of India (NSI)
Neurotrauma Society of India (NTSI)
European Association of Neurological Societies
Delhi Medical Council
Uttar Pradesh Medical Council
Rajasthan Medical Council
Other Information
Research & Publications:
Poster Presentation (Best Poster award) - “Do not hide your symptoms behind the door- Approach to Ca rectum” presented in IAESCON-2012, KGMU, and Lucknow.
Paper Presentation (oral) - “Screening of cognitive impairment in head injury patients “at UP/UK NEUROCON -2018.
Panwar N, Sharma S, Purohit DK. Primary Intracranial Intra Axial Ewing’s Sarcoma: A Rare Case Report with Unusual Location & Short Review on Literature. Clin Surg. 2018; 3: 194.
Panwar N, Purohit DK, Sinha VD, Joshi M,-Evaluation of extent and pattern of neurocognitive functions in mild and moderate traumatic brain injury patients by using Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) score as a screening tool: An Observational study from India - Asian Journal of Psychiatry2019;41:60-65.
Panwar N, Agrawal M, Sinha VD, Postcranioplasty Quantitative Assessment of Intracranial Fluid Dynamics and Its Impact on Neurocognition- Cranioplasty Effect: A pilot study – World Neurosurgery (2019) Volume122;96-107.
Panwar N, Purohit DK, Sharma S, Chopra S. Symptomatic thoracic intramedullary arachnoid cyst: “A rare entity’’ report of two cases with short review of literature. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2019;10:306-11.
Panwar N, Agrawal M, Agrawal G, Sinha VD, Isolated Fourth Ventricle Hemorrhage “Think beyond intracranial sources"unusual presentation of lumbosacral spinal AVM.Romanian Neurosurgery 2019(XXX1).
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